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by Ricardo Pereira (English)

The Governance of Criminal Justice in the European Union: Transnationalism, Localism and Public Participation in an Evolving Constitutional Order

Look inside Hardback The Governance of Criminal Justice in the European Union Transnationalism, Localism and Public Participation in an Evolving Constitutional Order Edited by Ricardo Pereira, Reader in Law, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University, UK, Annegret Engel, Senior Lecturer of EU Law, Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden and Samuli Miettinen, Associate Professor of Transnational Law, Tallinn University, Estonia Publication Date: 2020 ISBN: 978 1 78897 728 9 Extent: 296 pp

This timely book provides an astute assessment of the institutional and constitutional boundaries, interactions and tensions between the different levels of governance in EU criminal justice. Probing the conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of the EU’s approach to transnational crime, it proposes improved mechanisms for public participation in the governance of EU criminal law, designed to ensure better transparency, accountability and democratic controls.

Influential scholars from across Europe analyse key practical challenges to the governance of EU criminal law in the context of specific crimes, including financial crime, cybercrime and environmental crime. Offering sector-specific perspectives on tackling transnational crime, insightful chapters examine the potential options for criminal-law cooperation between the EU and the UK after Brexit, and consider to what extent these avenues may represent enhanced mechanisms for the governance of transnational crimes and common security threats in the future.

This important study will prove crucial reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate students examining EU, transnational and comparative criminal law, as well as European integration studies and constitutional law more broadly. Practitioners and policy-makers working in the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice will also benefit from this book’s practical insights into the mechanisms of EU law and justice.

Journal/Publisher: Edward Elgar

Co-author/s: Annegret Engel and Samuli Miettinen

Publication type: Collective book

Number of pages/Page range: 296

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 11-12-20

Document TableofContentsEEBook.pdf

Personal data

Full name Ricardo Pereira

Current occupation Reader in Law

University/Institution Cardiff University

Address Museum Avenue

Postal code CF10 3AX

Country United Kingdom
